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Nadia A

2013 (Narrative Date)

There are an estimated 85,000 people living in modern slavery in Yemen (GSI 2018). Young girls are subjected to child forced marriage, with UNICEF estimating 32% of girls being married before the age of 18. There is currently no legal age of marriage in Yemen and poverty, the practice of dowry and strict social and religious customs are drivers of child marriage in the country. With the onset of conflict within the country, estimates suggest that child marriage is on the rise.

Nadia was married at 13 years old.

I thought marriage was just a wedding, a party, and that would be it. I didn’t have any idea what marriage meant, I was just a child. 

Pregnancy affected my health, because of course, my body wasn’t ready to carry a child at such a young age. The fatigue of pregnancy affected my ability to study. 

If I were to go back to that time now, I wouldn’t agree. Now I’m against anyone marrying at that age.  

Narrative provided by Girls Not Brides.