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There are an estimated 31,000 people living in condition of modern slavery in Israel (GSI 2018). Women from Eastern Europe, China and Ghana, as well as Eritream men and women are subjected to sex trafficking in Israel. People are often lured through the promise of seemingly legitimate jobs, only to be subjected to commercial sexual exploitation upon arrival. 

AN tells of her experience of being trafficked for sexual exploitation in Israel.

He took me to the room and explained to me that they have to teach me to work, since I had never worked as a prostitute. He put on a porn movie and instructed me to give him a blow job. I refused but I had no choice. Afterwards he ordered me to sleep with him. I didn’t want to. He said I had to, otherwise he’d return me and they’d sell me to a much worse place. I was forced to do it. When I left the room crying, he brought in the girl who’d passed the “lesson” that morning.


Narrative provided by ATZUM – Justice Works